Domestic uses
Depending on how your works are used, the relevant licence for the type of use will be applied (collection). Once the user has paid the invoice, the proceeds will be distributed net of our administration fees and the deductions for the foundations.
How do I collect my money?
SUISA applies two different types of distribution:
- On the one hand, royalties are assigned and distributed to the works actually used, i.e. to the rightholders of the works used.
- On the other, royalties from different users are pooled together and distributed to the works in the corresponding usage area. In this case, distribution is based on a points system weighted by works.
We also apply flat rate fees for certain types of uses. Such fee revenue is not distributed on a works basis, but is disbursed to members and sister societies pro rata their previous revenues.
When will I receive my royalties?
If everything runs smoothly, from work registration to reporting of uses, collection and distribution, you will receive your share of the remuneration at the earliest six months after the use.
Why haven’t I received any money?
There could be a number of reasons. It is important to register your works with SUISA promptly (preferably before the first use). Other reasons depend on the type of use and are explained in the following section.
How can I collect my money just the same?
Please check whether we follow a pro-work or flat-rate distribution, or if the distribution is made as a supplemental payment. In principle, you can report missing remuneration to us up to 18 months after the use. Our staff will take the necessary steps to account the missing remuneration retrospectively. For inquiries, please contact
How is my share made up?
The amount of the settlement payment depends on various factors and varies - sometimes quite significantly - depending on the tariff and distribution category. Your percentage participation in a work is decisive for the amount of your share.