Annual Report and
General Meeting

On this page you can find the 2023 SUISA Annual Report, the key figures for the past year as well as information on the General Meeting.

Business year 2023

The 2023 Annual Report contains all the relevant figures and information on the previous financial year at SUISA (Cooperative and Group). Informative articles shed light on income, tariff negotiations, artificial intelligence and changes to the distribution regulations.

SUISA achieved a record result in 2023. This good result is due in particular to income from performance rights and the online sector.  You can find out what this meant for SUISA’s members and customers in the 2023 Annual Report.

In accordance with the Liechtenstein Collecting Societies Act, the German and French version of SUISA's Annual report now also includes a transparency report.

Key figures 2023

What was our income over the past year, how much money was distributed to beneficiaries – and how much did SUISA need for its own work? See the most important facts and figures from last year in an overview.

General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting is being held in hybrid form for the first time this year. On the one hand, voting members can exercise their rights on site as usual. On the other hand, they can now also participate online via live streaming in German and French.

The General Meeting is only open to members of the cooperative, i.e. members with voting rights. These members will receive the registration information by mail in May.

The brochure with the agenda and detailed information on the proposals of the Board of Directors to the Annual General Meeting as well as the registration form can be found in the member portal ‘My account’ in the ‘Annual General Meeting’ section: 

Generalversammlung 2023 der SUISA im Aura Zürich

General Meeting 2023