
Concerts, open air festivals, comedy shows, shows, ballet performances, etc.

When you organise a concert, we will issue you a licence authorising you to perform the compositions played. This also applies to comedy sketches and other shows with live music. This tariff also covers music played from sound recordings at concerts.


As a rule, the licence fee is a percentage of your ticket sales. In certain cases, the fee may be calculated based on the costs associated with the use of the music (artists’ fees, travel and accommodation costs, rental of venues, instruments, and the PA system).

The percentage cannot exceed 10% of the ticket revenues or costs. The rate is lower if SUISA does not manage the rights to all the works performed – provided you deliver a complete list of works (set list) in good time. For more information see the fact sheet and the Tariff.

If you play commercially available sound recordings (CDs, MP3s, streaming, etc.), we will charge you an additional fee on behalf of SWISSPERFORM for the rights of the performing artists and producers (neighbouring rights).

How to proceed:

Send us the duly completed questionnaire together with your list of works. We will then issue the licence and invoice. Once your payment is received, we distribute the remuneration to the beneficiary composers, lyricists, and publishers.

Reduction for contract customers and trade associations

You are entitled to a reduction in accordance with the tariff if you are a member of a recognised trade association such as wie SMPAPETZI, SBCK or t. and conclude a contract with SUISA, provided you comply with your contractual obligations and the tariff provisions. 

FAQ: Frequently asked questions

  • If you wish to perform protected music (or have it performed) in public, you must apply to SUISA for authorisation.

    All forms are available at this link.

    The forms should be completed and filed with SUISA no later than ten days after the concert. To calculate the royalties properly, SUISA needs to have a detailed list of the works performed, and a copy of your income and expenditures statement.

  • As a general rule, remuneration is charged under Common Tariff K if the public comes on purpose to listen to music. Therefore, shows, ballets and theatre performances, for example, can also be subject to CT K. 

    When music is played in the context of a dance or entertainment event, Common Tariff Hb, the tariff for dances and entertainment, will apply. CT Hb is applicable even if the concert or concert-like performance lasts less than one hour.

    The decision to apply CT K or CT Hb cannot depend solely on the popularity of the performing artists, since popularity (and an artist's attraction) evolves much too quickly.  In setting its rates, SUISA has to take other criteria into account, such as ticket prices, (concert) venue, type of advertising and other expenditure items.

    If you are at doubt when preparing your budget, it is worthwhile consulting SUISA's customer services to find out which tariff is applicable.

    For more about CT K

    For more about CT Hb

  • No. Royalties for concerts are calculated as a percentage of concert revenues or of the costs of music use. The financial situation of each event is thus equitably taken into account. But it is also possible to conclude an annual contract with SUISA and pay the agreed instalments for the whole year. In exchange, SUISA will grant you a licence for all your events during the year. If you are interested, please contact our customer services. 

  • SUISA normally calculates the remuneration based on a concert's revenues. In the following cases, however, the cost of the music use serves as the calculation basis:

    • if the revenues cannot be established;
    • if the costs are higher than the revenues and the customer has not prepared a budget, or if the customer assumes from the outset that the costs will have to be fully or partially covered by his own funds;
    • charity events where the profit goes to the needy.

This could be of interest to you:

  • Small rights and grand rights: who does what?

    If there is one matter that regularly triggers heated debate, it is the distinction between small rights and grand rights. Small rights relate to non-theatrical musical works and fall within SUISA’s sphere of competence, while grand rights relate to dramatico-musical works and certain types of ballet and are managed by the Société Suisse des Auteurs (SSA) or directly by publishers.