Online offers with music
Here you will find the licences for the use of music on websites and in specific online offers.
Are you planning on making available a video with music or a music file on the internet for your business, for example? Then, and unless you use music in the public domain, you need to obtain a licence from SUISA.
Go to licence application
Streaming and download offers
Videos, apps, games, podcasts or ring tones to be downloaded or streamed for end consumers.
Live streams of events
Broadcasting events live on websites or social media.
Music in advertising and non-advertising videos
You wish to make videos with music available on the internet (websites and social media).
Online advertising campaigns
For commercials on internet, two licences from SUISA are required: for production and for making available
Your radio broadcasts its programmes exclusively via the Internet (webcasting)
Audio on-demand: free offers
Do you want to use a song or part of a song as background music for your website?
On-demand: fee-based services
Do you wish to distribute videos and films (audiovisual recordings) over the Internet against payment?
Extended collective licence
Through the "extended collective licence" SUISA may grant a collective licensee the right to use a large number of musical works.