Team and organisation

SUISA is organised as a co-operative structured in three divisions. "Operations" takes care of SUISA's day-to-day operations, its members and clients. "Regulations" is responsible for the legal basis such as the tariffs and the distribution rules. "Services" is responsible for administration and organisation - this includes, for example, communication, IT, finance and human resources. 

Executive Committee

A three-member Executive Committee is responsible for the operational management and further development of our business activities. To this end, it works closely with the different Board Committees. The Executive Committee is elected by the Board of Directors of the co-ooperative. 


    Andreas Wegelin

    CEO, Services Division

  • Deputy CEO SUISA

    Vincent Salvadé

    Deputy CEO, Regulations Division


    Irène Philipp Ziebold

    COO, Operations Division

Board of Directors

Our 15 board members come from different language regions of Switzerland and represent different musical professions and styles. The Board of Directors manages and oversees the co-operative. The Board  usually meets four times a year; board members  are also all members of one of the three Board Committees. The Board is elected by the General Meeting for a four-year term of office. 

  • Vorstandspräsident SUISA

    Xavier Dayer - President

    Author, Bern

  • Vizepräsident SUISA Vorstand

    Marco Neeser - Vice President

    Author, publisher, Zurich

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Christian Baumgartner

    Entrepreneur, Bern

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Chantal Bolzern

    Attorney at Law, Winterthur

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Roman Camenzind

    Author, producer, Zurich

  • Vprstandsmitglied SUISA

    Christian Fighera

    Producer, publisher, Lausanne

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Tina Funk

    Publisher, Berlin

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Zeno Gabaglio

    Author, Vacallo

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Johanna Gapany

    Member of the Council of States FDP, Canton of Fribourg

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Grégoire Liechti

    Publisher, Geneva

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Anna Murphy

    Author and Publisher, Horw

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Melanie Oesch

    Yodeller, singer, composer, publisher, Schwarzenegg

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Sylvie Reinhard

    Entrepreneur, Zurich

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Philipp Schnyder von Wartensee

    Author, Zurich

  • Vorstandsmitglied SUISA

    Christian Wicky

    Author, publisher, Lausanne