SUISA number for commercials (serial commercials)
For the registration of a serial commercial, all requirements must be met (Tariff VN - point 15.1.1):
- At least 10 consecutive commercials from the same principal.
- Music, total duration of the commercial, duration of music in the commercial, visual concept and sequence must be identical in all (at least) 10 commercials.
To obtain the SUISA number, please send us the relevant form.
First application:
In the case of serial commercials with different total duration (e.g. short and long version), each version must be registered separately (i.e. on separate forms).
Follow-up application:
For the subsequent registration of a serial commercial, the serial commercial must have been registered for a first time.
In the case of serial commercials with different total durations (e.g. a short and a long version), each version must be registered separately (i.e. on separate forms).
For non-serial commercials, please continue to use form “VN A: registration of advertising audiovisual recordings for TV, cinema, and/or internet”.
For further information: +41 21 614 32 28/30
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
Yes. The video production must first be licensed under tariff VN. As part of this process, you are issued a SUISA number. Then when the video is made available on the internet, the terms and conditions for online advertising campaigns are applicable. When registering to make the video available, you will be asked for the SUISA number. For further information.
Image films are designed to cast a positive light on a company while commercials are designed to promote sales.