Production Music

Production music is usually produced exclusively for use in film, TV, advertising, radio, podcasts or games. 

What is production music?

Production music (also referred to as library, archive, mood or stock music) is music from catalogues which various publishers offer for the specific purpose of adding sound to film and sound or audiovisual recordings. These music catalogues are offered on special carriers and, increasingly, on specialised websites.

SUISA as a single source

The advantage of production music is that a film producer or a user can acquire the licence to use this music directly from SUISA. They do not have to apply individually to the various rightholders (authors, publishers, or labels). This presupposes that the music comes from a production database which has a contract with SUISA (see “List of production music providers”). As a result, SUISA can issue the necessary licences from a single source at fixed tariff rates.

For further information, see the fact sheet “Information about production music”.