Important survey on the income and social insurance situation of artists
Suisseculture Sociale and Pro Helvetia are currently conducting a survey on the current income and social insurance situation of artists. The aim is to develop solutions for artists to close gaps in the social insurance system.
Suisseculture Sociale raised awareness of the precarious situation of artists in Switzerland with two surveys in 2006 and 2016. As a result of the coronavirus crisis, the discussion about the income situation of artists has reached the political and public domain to a degree not seen before. The crisis has in particular revealed significant gaps in social insurance coverage for artists, above all the ‘freelancers’ whose working reality often does not fit the straightforward distinction between ‘self-employed’ and ‘employed’.
Precisely because the awareness of the precarious situation experienced by artists in Switzerland is currently so high, the opportunity should be taken to propose improvements for the industry and other affected parties. For this reason, Suisseculture Sociale, with the support of the Swiss cultural foundation Pro Helvetia, has commissioned the research and consulting firm Ecoplan AG to investigate the income and social insurance situation of artists.
A large number of surveys are currently underway, particularly in relation to COVID-19 measures and their consequences. However, this survey does not focus on this aspect, but aims to map the income level before the crisis – not least because this income level should be at least be re-established after the crisis in order to prevent a huge loss of cultural diversity.
Please participate in the survey and help us to ensure the largest number of responses as possible.
Go to the survey:
Bild: Shutterstock/Tartila