SUISA Free Music
At first glance, offers of licence-free music (also referred to as royalty-free music, or SUISA- or GEMA-free music) might seem very tempting. Legally speaking, however, distributors of such licences are skating on very thin ice.
Not that useful - and not necessarily cheaper
The price does not always make the difference. The licences offered for licence-free music may even be more expensive than the SUISA and Swissperform tariffs. In any event, it is worthwhile comparing prices carefully.
You should also be aware that licence-free music is generally a non-individual, prefabricated mass product that many other users also resort to. If you are looking for music that sets you apart, licence-free music is not the answer.
Using licence-free music. How to proceed:
We have put together some information for you relating to background music, film and video production, and broadcasting companies. For further information, we encourage you to contact a legal advisor specialised in copyright law. We cannot provide any further information on the subject.